Stay authentic while harmonizing with your job

Written by on February 18, 2025

Stay authentic while harmonising with your job

Being yourself and not what others want you to be, It’s one of your birth rights.

In their effort to fulfill their job-imposed tasks, many people lose their authenticity, becoming robots who execute what’s asked almost automatically, which can have unpleasant consequences, including burnout.

However, there is another way… You can accomplish your tasks without becoming a robot; instead, be fueled by your authenticity, the creativity you’re endowed with, and an inner resource state that you can activate and maintain. You can even start to enjoy what you do. Your perception, and consequently your interpretation, makes the difference, and perception depends on the degree of authenticity you preserve.

I want to focus primarly on authenticity…

What does it mean to be authentic?

I have met people who associate authenticity with the physical aspect, meaning to look as natural as possible. I have also met people who think they know what authenticity should be for others and even reproach them, saying, “you’re not authentic!”

The truth is, you are the only one who can define and follow your authenticity, as no one else has the capability and wisdom to do this in your place at the level you can. We are unique—not through physical appearance but through the difference in life experiences, which determine each of us to perceive things and act differently.

All you need is to develop self-awareness and get as close as possible to your essence, beyond the beliefs and values you have inherited from your surroundings since birth. It’s also essential to establish your true life purpose, which you can incorporate into your life or work towards achieving it.

It happens—too often—that we don’t know what we truly want or can’t define more precisely the reasons for our existence and what we lack in life. We are too easily influenced and altered by what’s happening around us, by others’ opinions, without having the power and ability to filter what is beneficial for us. Various advertising systems, created by some of the world’s best minds, influence people to think and want things that have nothing to do with their authenticity.

You maintain your authenticity when you focus on what you truly want—not what others want for you. But do you know what you truly want? Have you ever allowed yourself to imagine it without thoughts such as “it couldn’t happen to me” or “it’s to good to be true” stopping you?

You can start by creating a mental image of what an extraordinary life would mean for you. Then identify the limiting beliefs and behaviors that prevent you from functioning at your fullest potential and replace them.

To be your authentic self often requires changing the way you think about yourself… How to be as close as possible to your authentic self?

Here are a few practices that will help you: 

1. Keep a personal journal

Writing in a journal helps us organize our thoughts and deepen who we truly are. By realizing how certain experiences influence us and how they make us feel, we can discover our authenticity even better.

2. Meditate

It’s proven that meditation has many beneficial effects. Among others, it reduces stress and regulates your mood. Guided meditation can help you reveal your deepest thoughts and emotions and reach your essence.

3. Visualize

What would your ideal life look like? Visualize it in your mind as detailed as possible. What are you doing? How do you feel? Who is around you?, etc. Visualization is a powerful method and, when done correctly, propels you towards success. Any project is first visualized/thought, then drawn and built. You can do this every morning for 10 minutes. It would help enormously to start your day with a positive mindset.

However, be careful! Visualization is done in mind-heart coherence. If your mind imagines the beautiful life you want to have, and in your heart, you feel the pain of not having it yet, it’s better to stop. Think and feel as if you already have it; otherwise, the visualization you’re doing is more detrimental to you than advantageous!

4. Examine your beliefs and values

The beliefs we have create our world. Unfortunately, many of them are not good, and thus we end up sabotaging our happiness. They have formed throughout life and are influenced by how we were raised, positive and negative events in our lives, the depth and breadth of knowledge we have, results obtained from past experiences, and the plans we imagine for the future.

Therefore, examine your limiting beliefs and replace them with others that fill you with resources and help you discover what it’s like to be your authentic self. We are endowed with everything we need to live a life we enjoy, but the beliefs accumulated throughout life guide us, without us realizing it, toward all kinds of other experiences. Determine your core values and use them to create a fulfilling life! I believe authenticity should be at the forefront for each of us.

Being yourself and not what others want you to be, It’s one of your birth rights.

Beliefs influence and are the basis of our values, and every decision we make is controlled by them. So, take time as soon as possible to examine your beliefs. It will be worth it.

5. Reconnect with friends and family

Probably close friends and family know you better than anyone else. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and talk to them. You’ll increase your self-awareness and learn even better how to be your authentic self.

6. Practice honesty

We all want to be honest—but also fit in. Consistently practicing honesty can be challenging, but by refusing to hide your true needs and opinions, you’ll be your authentic self every day. You’ll surely find a way to do this optimally.

How do you harmonize with the company you work for while being authentic?

When you maintain your authenticity, you can manage any aspect of life from a position of confidence and inner power, I would say even emotionally detached. The job will have a different perception and interpretation in your life. Here are two major steps that will help you harmonize with your job and the company you work for without losing your authenticity…

Evaluate everything related to your job

Evaluate your work environment, the work itself, relationships with colleagues and other relevant individuals, breaks, working hours, etc. I am convinced there are many things that bring you satisfaction, just as there are things that bother you. It is important not to mix them—specifically, to amplify those that fill you with resources and find optimization and improvement solutions for the challenging ones. Ask yourself questions like:

    • What do I like about my job, both personally and professionally?
    • What fills me with resources?
    • What gives me satisfaction?
    • What disrupts my balance?
    • What should happen for me to like it more, to feel like it’s the job I want?
    • How is my mood generally before starting work? What are the reasons?
    • How does my job influence my personal life?
    • What do I need to improve/add/do differently—what only depends on me—to enjoy my job more?

Most people want those around them to change and for conditions to change, but we must remember that we cannot change either the people around us or the conditions, only the way we approach them—our attitude. So, before being mesmerized by the belief that everything is bad about your job or that nothing is going well, conduct an evaluation and find out if that’s really the case. You may find many pleasant surprises.

Always remember that you control your job, not the other way around—like a puppeteer who controls the movements of a puppet, you can also manage your tasks. Of course, this cannot happen overnight. It is a process during which you work on yourself, your beliefs, and your habits. Training your mind and the way you think is crucial.

To achieve this, you first need to be balanced as a person and maintain your authenticity. It’s fundamental. Additionally, having high emotional intelligence can help tremendously.

Maintain your well-being

We are often influenced by our state so much that we see things distorted. Well-being is essential for drawing correct conclusions, making good decisions, resolving situations, and ultimately, for living a beautiful life. Only in a state of well-being can you have the clarity you need.


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